Zoli Bloguettes
Hey gorgeous! You might have clicked on this page out of curiosity or let’s be candid, is it because the name inspired a sense of womanhood deep within you? Well I’m happy to have you here!
Zoli Bloguettes (meaning beautiful female bloggers in Mauritian) is a community of like-minded women bloggers anchored in the mesmerizing island of Mauritius. 3 year ago, I created this group in view of helping female bloggers thrive in their blogging adventures.
The private Facebook group is an empowering digital space where more than 60 bloggers interact, support and share their creative journeys. We also host an array of workshops, Instagram worthy gatherings and exclusive blogger brunches around the island!
Behind every successful women is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.
I’m a strong believer of #communityovercompeition and an ardent advocate for empowering women. Before diving right in the purpose of the sandy squad, let’s rewind to where it all began.
I’ve been blogging for 5 years now. It took perseverance, bravery, some tears and outbursts of aha moments to create Lovely Brunette. I honestly had no idea in what I was going into but I knew, this is what I wanted to do. You know what they say, if it’s both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.
So here I was learning my way through blogging articles, online tutorials and sleepless nights. One particular night, it hit me. How amazing would it be if there was a group of bloggers who resonated with what I was going through and who could help me out. Light bulb moment: Zoli Bloguettes!
Today we host events and simply support bloggers in need. Thanks to the various niche bloggers using different online platforms, there is always an expert advice one click away. We also brag about our blog articles because we pour our hearts in creating content and this definitely deserves a happy dance!

Wanna hang out with us?
The Facebook group is exclusively dedicated to women bloggers from Mauritius. However if you join the tribe you might get brainwashed into believing in yourself and knowing you are truly gifted to accomplish anything coming your way!
We host mini-workshops to elevate our blogger skills and cultivate the female community spirit
Blogger Brunch
The most awaited event of the year where we collaborate with local artisans
Exclusively curated for the Facebook group, podcasts will be launched pretty soon!

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I started blogging two years ago. At the time I was jobless and I was looking for a creative hobby. Weeks later I found out about the Zoli Bloguette. Joining the group made me feel less alone since Rodriguan bloggers barely exist. Seeing how the girls support and empower each other always brings joy to my heart. And being part of the zoli bloguettes makes me feel like a human being who happens to have super power. And that super power is to be able to write and share my experiences with the world

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I blog because I love creating, it’s fun & it serves me as a journal. I’m just a curious human being who likes to share what she learned & experienced. Along my blogging journey, I came across the zoli bloguettes which flesh out my ideas about blogging. We are very much diverse in terms of interests but all sharing the same passion of blogging.

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Zoli Bloguette is THE blogging community in Mauritius, which I'm glad I stumbled upon at the start of the year. Since then, I've met incredibly talented and supportive individuals, whether we read each other's blogs online or met at one of their fun events! Never thought I'd meet like-minded people who share the same enthusiasm for blogging and lift each other up - but I'm so glad I did! Positive vibes all year round.
Wanna join the Zoli Bloguettes?
If you are a Mauritian female blogger then hit the button below to join our private Facebook group!