Hello lovely readers! 1 month in the making, I am thrilled and eager to share with you this blog post! It is all about community, purpose driven women and creativity!
2 years ago I launched the Zoli Bloguettes community on Facebook. It is a private Facebook group dedicated to Mauritian women bloggers. A creative hub where we share our articles, social media tips and support each other in our blog journey as sometimes, it can be challenging. In the spirit of community we decided to have a get together, which later turned out to be the first women blogger brunch in Mauritius!

We headed to Daisy Bistrot yesterday to have a fun-filled Saturday. What was on the menu? Instagram challenges, tropical DIY photo booth, mini flatlay workshops, branded tote bag overflowing with sponsored blogger gifts, delicious cocktails and light-hearted conversations around one passion: blogging!

Daisy Bistrot was an exquisite choice for our first meet up! It is a cosy bistrot in Rose-Hill that has an outdoor seating area where you can enjoy homemade meals cooked with love. The welcoming cocktail was concocted by Daisy Bistrot, influenced by the colours and tropical ambience of our blogger brunch: watermelon & lychee! They also launched sustainable ‘made in moris’ straws on this day! Genius idea created by The Strawz. Sipping tasty cocktails and being eco-friendly? YAASSS!

The Zoli Bloguettes tweaked up their creative skills with our mini flatlay workshop. It was remarkable to see 10 bloggers creating their flatlay with the beautiful products from our sponsors! We have also launched our official Instagram page on the D-Day! If you want to see sneak peeks of our event, head to the gram here!

A special thank you goes to She is a Multipotentialite. One thing that I learned is that you cannot do everything on your own and it is OK to ask for help. So thank you Davina for co-hosting this event and helping me create the #ZoliBrunch that reflected our wildest dreams!

A big thank you to our sponsors for supporting us on this major event! I’m so very thankful and grateful for your encouraging words and cheering upon our community goals throughout this whole process! For our branded goodie bag, products were specially selected to highlight local craftmanship and female entrepreneurs. Cheers to supporting local artisans in Mauritius!

Over the coconut tree with CocoUp! We got to taste their new flavoured coconut pineapple water during the event, gifted the iconic coconut bowl which will be perfect for our smoothie mornings and the delicious ‘gato coco’. We were thrilled to taste their new vanilla coconut bio ice cream for dessert. Couldn’t wish for more to end this blogger brunch on such a flavoursome note!

Handmade polymer clay jewelries presented in recycled paper instead of a gift wrap! How gorgeous is this? Thank you NANU!

I have something with mugs. We all know it and I am definitely not guilty to have another one added to my collection! A mug uniquely designed by Dream Doodle to showcase our local vibes! Those are all hand-illustrated! #TooOverwhelmedRightNow

The blogger essential right there! Eco-friendly tote bag by Grafitag so we can brag about our squad!

Always a pleasure to collaborate with this talented woman! Mo’Mandala made our heart skip a beat with her amazing pebble mandalas.

Beauty lies in simplicty and B.YOUnique nailed it! If you are looking for divine accessories head to their shop in rose hill! (next to CEB). They also feature accessories and stationeries from local artisans.

The blogger’s best pal! The notebook! Always a life saver for light bulb moments in the middle of the night or noteworthy inspirations.

Last but not least, Handikaos! She is also a member of our Zoli Bloguettes tribe and surprised us all by gifting each and everyone this lovely handmade piece of jewelry!

If you are a Mauritian blogger and want to join our squad, head to our Facebook group! Check out our community guidelines and hit ‘Join’ if you want to be part of this thriving journey!
This Post Has 4 Comments
Omg!! This makes me so happy and excited at the same time! It looks like it was an amazing artsy little meet up 😍
Super concept ! Et le rendu – que ce soit l'article ou les photos sont parfaites 🙂 Bravo !
Thank you very much Athaena! Glad that this post and our initiative infused happiness in your day 🙂 It was an artsy gathering indeed! We couldn't wish for more for our 1st meet up!
Oh wow July! Merci beaucoup pour ton retour positif! Cela me touche car nous nous sommes donnés à fond pour que ce blogger brunch sois un succès 🙂 Merci ma belle.