Pride month has a very strong connotation to me. When I hear pride I see perseverance, celebration and respect. I feel joy when I see individuals honoring their authentic self, armed with smiles, understanding and love.
This is an open letter dedicated to my queer followers and amazing individuals.
Dearest Rainbow Warrior,
You are fighting for your rights every day of your life. For the right to love. For the right to simply be. Is this exhausting? Yes. Is it burdensome? Yes. Nonetheless you always find the will to strive.
Yesterday due to unfortunate circumstances amidst challenging mindsets and hatred, we had no march in Mauritius. The happiness, strength and hope was transformed to sadness, intolerance and oppression. Yesterday, fear won over compassion.
But today is a new day.
June is the month the world celebrates queer people. June is the month we celebrate you, beautifully, unapologetically you. We honour those battles led by historical icons who believed it was possible to live in a rainbow society. Today more than ever, the pride month matters. Today more than ever, the pride month matters in Mauritius.
Celebrate your history. Embrace your individuality. Fight for your colours and simply do not give up.
You are an amazing human being and you deserve the right to simply be.