Good Morning lovely readers and Merry Christmas to you all! I’m happy to unveil this year’s Christmas tree! A special one indeed, as it is my first rooted tree! Say hello to Ms. Pine Peppermint!

I’ve been thinking for a while which theme I could decorate this year, a common thing that came out was not the colours or the decoration style but more the feelings and memories that this year bought to me on a personal level. As it is the most wonderful time of year, I’ve decided to turn Ms. Pine Peppermint into a gratitude Christmas tree! Pictures of this beautiful year, moments shared with people I cherish and memories that I’m grateful for.
The Christmas tree is minimalist with only white decorations and a touch of brown that gives this tropical and rustic touch. I’ve added white stones and shells within the box and white ornaments to bright it up. Small wooden clips were used to hang the pictures on Ms. Pine Peppermint so as to give this crafty feel. And you know what is awesome? I get to make a collage with the pictures after Christmas 🙂

Waking up to this every morning just makes me feel happy! It’s been an amazing year with the blog adventure and I’m so grateful about how it evolved. Discovering local designers, creating a little community and being supported by my family, friends and new lovely acquaintances.
So here is to Christmas. A beautiful time to remembering our joyful moments around a warm cup of coffee, a time of loving with the people we cherish, a time of giving back, being grateful and most importantly a time of believing in the magic season, bringing peace and joy.
I wish to you and your lovely ones, a merry and bright Christmas 2016.