Resetting My Inner Compass: Cultivating Joy In The Process

Did you reset your inner compass lately?
If you feel you’re navigating through your day-to-day in uncertainty and foggy goals, then this might be a sign to reset. 
My inner compass was buried under excuses, procrastination, and anxiety.
Today I’ll be sharing how I let anxiety and my fear of being irrelevant shove me to the back seat (some days in the car boot). Writing about it makes it my most vulnerable piece yet. However, I made a promise to myself when I contemplated the first sunrise of 2024: to daringly pursue the radiant, boldness, and artfulness version of me. 

Let's Get Real

Writing about island living, I used to feel a deep connection and joy when sharing my experiences and personal tips on the blog. It was such a fun process exploring the island, taking notes, snapping pictures, and finally going back home to write about it all. But over time, I found myself increasingly disconnected from that process.

To be honest, it was easier to put the blame on the catchphrase “life got in the way” rather than being truthful about what was really happening.
I felt I was running a race that I was never meant to be in. I found myself feeling the need to create content that would perform well on social media rather than writing about what truly spoke to my heart. I was labeled an influencer and went along with it instead of reclaiming what ignites my soul: being a blogger.
I felt outdated and simply out of sync with everything that was trending in the online world. I attended way too many webinars on how to beat algorithms and researched ephemeral strategies to increase content visibility rather than actually putting energy into writing. 
It finally clicked when I stepped back and asked myself, what do I actually want to say? I wasn’t interested in flashy topics that would fizzle out tomorrow. I wanted to contribute to conversations that meant something, that challenged me and others to think, reflect, and grow.
I do apologize for being MIA. My anxiety and denial were so deeply rooted, it took me 2 years to realize that I could just easily step out of that race, get into my own lane, and run at my own pace.

Where do we go from here?

It is all about pushing that reset button. We’re going to dive deeper into the fabric of our community, championing local businesses, and shining a light on the remarkable stories of female entrepreneurs who infuse our island with creativity and resilience.

Beach Mauritius

Together, we will be exploring the best places to eat, indulge in unique island activities, and embark on staycations across Mauritius that aren’t just experiences but opportunities to immerse in the heartbeat of this little paradise that we call home.

Handmade Mauritius

So here’s to charting a path that resonates with you. It is never too late to find your true north.

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Oh hey there!

I’m Tasha. A barefoot visual storyteller, serial mojito sipper, brand enthusiast and content marketer obsessed in empowering local women entrepreneurs and intentionally exploring the many wonders of island living in Mauritius.

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