Entrez, ode to feminity

Hello Lovelies! Am happy to share with you my new ‘coup de coeur’, Entrez. A mesmerizing shop full of beautiful dresses, exclusive items and accessories. You can easily become crazy there, losing your mind in all those exquisite pieces! Thanks to the sales girls who are there to accompany you, help you with the choice of dresses, explaining to you with passion the concept created by Saskia Pougnet. 

Caudan is actually having night market, and the shops closes at 22:00. A great shopping paradise for shopaholics as there are items with up to 50% discount! Smoothie in hand, and ”braderie” bags in another, we fell in love immediately with the shop window of Entrez (and how can you not go inside a shop called Entrez?). 
Handmade soaps, crafts, home deco, temporary golden tattoos, sunglasses, you name it! Left the shop with a gorgeous maxi dress, elegant and so summerish. The cherry on top of the cake, you get to have a free item depending on your purchase, got a lovely pink scarf and a big smile when leaving the shop!
An address to note in your diaries ladies: Entrez at Le Caudan Waterfront

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Oh hey there!

I’m Tasha. A barefoot visual storyteller, serial mojito sipper, brand enthusiast and content marketer obsessed in empowering local women entrepreneurs and intentionally exploring the many wonders of island living in Mauritius.

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